Tuesday, 31 May 2011


Before you request a bulky household collection why not think about donating it to a charity shop or see if anyone locally can make use of it.
Bulky free-standing items, (like fridges and freezers), and free-standing household furniture, (like sofas and wardrobes), can be collected from residents' homes by arrangement.
Three items of bulky waste can be collected for free from each household. There is only one free collection per household per year.
  • Upto 5 items can be collected at the time of this collection, but there is a charge of £5 for the fourth item and a further £5 for the fifth item. If a second collection is required within a 12 month period a charge of £75 is made.
Household items, including sofas, beds, fridges and washers, can be collected by arrangement with the team.  This service must be booked in advance.  You will be asked to ensure the items are accessible and, if appropriate, kept dry.  Once you have confirmed each item, you will be given a date on which the collection will be made.
For more information on the bulky item collection service, please contact the Environmental Services Helpline on 01942 404364.

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Today 28th May

Today has been wet and very windy.  Not a good day for our planting day in Howe Bridge but we did well.

Another day tomorrow..

The next weekend is 11th and 12th June at Colliers Corner -  on the corner of Leigh Road and Lovers Lane.

I will only be there on the Saturday as the area of Tiverton Taunton are also planting up baskets ...from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.   if you live in that area come along!!!!!

Had a couple of reports on fly tipping in the area that will be followed up on Tuesday after the Bank Holiday

Friday, 27 May 2011

What did May Bring

Since the begining of May I have seen the end of a very hectic election period closing with 6 new Councillors added to the ruling group of Wigan Council and my colleague in Atherleigh , Cllr Mark Aldred was re-elected.

I was re-appointed to the porfolio of Children and Young People and am a member of a smaller Cabinet.

We saw the instalment of a new Mayor,, Joy Birch and Deputy, Mayor Myra Whitesid,e and the day was very nice. The mayor and her deputy seemed to really enjoy the civic occasion.

I have attendedtwo of the three consultation sessions about the new North Leigh Development and have noted local people's concerns. 

I am doing regular street surgeries with the Police and they are proving to be a good interface with the residents. The regular Westwell Street Surgery in Westleigh and the one at the Scout HQ happens once per month but are not well used by the community.

I am hoping that residents may stary to ask when ewill we go to their area - the two hour sessions are good interfaces with the local people and gives them the opportunity to talk to Ward Councillors and the police on their patch.