Saturday, 25 June 2011

Armed Forces Day - 25th June 2011

In the Borough the place to be is leigh Sports Village, Sale Way  (off Atherleigh Way)

Opens at 10 a.m. and official opening 11 a.m.

I will be there ---- hope the weather does not put people off.

Friday, 24 June 2011

Postcard Campaign

A few months ago we organised a postcard design competition. Young people from Atherton Primary Schools were asked to design a postcard that could be used to remind neighbours of the school to look after the school during the holiday time. 

The members of the Atherton Super Council, were concerned that quite often their schools gets vandalised during the summer when the children were on their holidays. The young people decided to ask people to "look after the schools" by reporting incidents.

The competition ran and young people put in their entries. We ended up with three finalist -  and today we arranged for those young people to visit Wigan Town Hall...  They had a tour of the Town Hall ...they then met the Mayor of Wigan and she told them who were the runners up and who was the winner of our competition. The young people really seemed to enjoy the morning - they all got a gift voucher and the winner got a framed copy of the winning design.

This afternoon I delivered the postcards to all the schools in Atherton. Most of the schools were over the moon and thought the idea was fantastic.

Well done to all who entered and particularly to the winners.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Art Work in ATHERTON

Today, along with some chlidren, we had a "photoshoot" near the new Art Work on the roundabout on Wigan Road / Atherleigh By-pass.

The Art work is named the Spirit of Enterprise and has 3 terns flying through two stainless steel ribbons

Apart from the terrible weather it was a good day.

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Latest News

 Brass Band Concert  July 9th 2011     

    7 p.m. for 7.30 start.

This is being held in Briar Wood (behind the scout headquarters) Leigh Road, Howe Bridge, Atherton on Saturday July 9th arrive at 7-00pm for 7-30pm start.
The concert will be performed by Tyldesley Prize Band who are undoubtedly one of the best brass bands in the north of England. Tickets are only £5.00 for adults, £2.00 for accompanied children. No unaccompanied children will be allowed.
Bring chairs blankets and food come and enjoy our very own proms in the park......  Tickets are available from Terry Daly and, to order tickets or for further information call Terry on 01942 603175 or 07412 521040 or pay on the night on arrival


Look After Yourself Look After Your Area Day .....       
 If you attended - thanks,      
Damian Jenkinson - In Bloom Co-ordinator said ......     
  "It was a great day - and soup was brilliant!!"

The Bridgers Group took the initiative and asked  residents to become - healthy, happy and making
their area a better place to live. The Bridgers hosted a Look After Yourself Look After Your Area Day on 18th May 2011.
The day consisted of exhibitions, and information stalls -  covering health, security, hobbies,
exercise, and eating more healthily. The PCT, the Police, Fire Service,  the local Health Centre,
the Leisure Trust, Wigan and Leigh Homes, Belong Atherton, Guide Dogs, and Metrofresh were among
the many exhibitors.  There was free refreshments available all day and at lunchtime there was
free  soup and roll and scrumptious muffins and cake.
We hoped that people would visit the exhibition, enjoy the day, and get some worthwhile
information to take away with them. It was a very good day but would have been even better
 with the support of more of our local residents.
Take a look at the photos --------- 


Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Tour of Leigh Town Hall

Last night (14th June)  saw Lowton St. Mary's Mothers' Union visit Leigh Town Hall.  I took them on a tour of the Town Hall  - a wonderful grade 2 listed building. 

The tour lasted approx. one and a half hours and the women who walked round the building seemed to really enjoy it.

Monday, 13 June 2011

Wet Wet Wet!!!!!

What a wet weekend!!!!!

This weekend I spent Saturday in Howe Bridge doing a plant sale on Colliers Corner.  It was a great day and we also stripped out all the old plants ready to re-plant the shield on the Sports Centre Hill.
Sunday I helped set up at Howe Bridge and then went over to Taunton Ave to help with their hanging baskets.  The weather was awful and we were lucky to be working in someone’s garage.  Meanwhile back in Howe Bridge the rain came down and they had nowhere to shelter. 
Hopefully in the next few days we will have the plants, the time, and the weather to plant up the shield….
Looking forward to our partnership meeting on Friday and I hope lots of people come from the area to talk about our next plans in Howe Bridge.
Thursday and Friday are clean up days on the Trees Estate I will be there supporting Wigan and Leigh Housing and the residents to make the area tidier.
On Saturday it is the Fun Day in Westleigh Park (Westwell Street in Westleigh)
12 noon – 4 p.m. If you can make it will be a good day!

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Cabinet for 2011 - announcement.

Following the results of the recent local elections and in preparation for a new session of the Full Council, Lord Peter Smith, leader of the council, has made changes to the town hall’s top table.

“I have announced a team which will lead Wigan Borough through difficult times,” says Cllr Smith.  “We are building on excellent foundations as we bring the council, as well as residents and businesses, through the most challenging period I have encountered in local government.”
Cllr Smith has confirmed that deputy leader Cllr David Molyneux will continue with his role as the cabinet champion for the economy and regeneration.
Cllr Kevin Anderson will take on responsibility for the environment alongside his existing role as champion for neighbourhoods.
Cllr Chris Ready, currently customer services champion, will also take on work to make back office savings and he also becomes the cabinet member for the Leisure and Culture Trust.
Returning to the cabinet is Cllr Ged Bretherton, who will have a role looking at the crucial issue of efficiencies.
Cllr Susan Loudon will continue as cabinet champion for children, young people and education.
Cllr Keith Cunliffe will continue the role as champion for healthier communities.
And confirmed in senior roles, but outside the cabinet are: Cllr Paul Prescott, who will continue to chair the planning committee, Cllr Fred Walker who will lead the fire authority, and Cllr Brian Baldwin will lead on national human resource issues.
“I want to demonstrate that a slimmed down, carefully focussed cabinet is the right place to deliver the changes Wigan Borough needs,” says Cllr Smith.  “The councillors I have appointed will have bigger roles which reflect the joined up priorities we found ourselves dealing with and also with the council’s new slimmed down management structure. 
“We have the right team to focus the borough on supporting the most vulnerable in our society and giving our community the very best services we can.”

Saturday, 4 June 2011

June - what a good start

The weather has really improved over the last couple of days.
Walked over the site of the proposed "North Leigh" on Wednesday ...  there are some bits that are lovely and other parts where there is slag and a lot of smelly stagnant water.