Monday, 25 July 2011

Councillor Susan Loudon: Here is Crumble - she has been round Gibfield Site...

Councillor Susan Loudon: Here is Crumble - she has been round Gibfield Site...: "Here is Crumble - she has been round Gibfield Site with me. She is a Guide Dog Her owner (my sister Joan) is in hospital with a broken hip..."
Here is Crumble - she has been round Gibfield Site with me.  She is a Guide Dog  Her owner (my sister Joan) is in hospital with a broken hip...  so I am looking after the dog for a few days

What have I been up to????

Update for readers!!!!

Last week saw me at another street surgery with the Police.  We went to Bright Street in Leigh.
Street Surgeries seem to be really welcomed by the local community -  they come and talk to us ...and even make us a cup of tea.

The week before was In Bloom Judging Day for Howe Bridge - all seemed to go well and the Bridgers put on a fine presentation for the Judges and they took them on a tour of the village - Well done!!!!

It was confirmed today that Colliers Corner has gained the Green Pennant for another year.  I went down to the Corner this morning and of course it was wonderful.  Thanks to John and the two Keiths for all the work they do.

Traffic Calming

Our Ward has now got two new Central Refuges - one on Kirkhall Lane and one on Leigh Road - these have been requested by residents with the aim of trying to slow traffic down also to help pedestrians cross these busy roads.  We are still trying to get one on Smallbrook Lane.


Over the last few days (now the rain has stopped) I have been able to walk over the old Gibfield Site along a number of footpaths. You would never know there was a massive opencast mine there 10 years ago.  The reclamation is good.  There are obviously still areas to be re-developed so the site will keep on changing for a number of years.